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Incremental Optimization
to Grow or Reduce Cost

Struggle using Technology to your advantage?  

If you don't have the time and / or knowledge to leverage technology to grow or optimize your business, let's connect to see how Elite Optimization can help you.  You stay focused on your business while we assist with your optimization journey, in a short time we can turnaround quick wins with big results! 

About Elite Optimization

Elite Optimization is here to tackle challenges and optimization opportunities quickly for you.  With over 20 years of corporate and consulting experience delivering organizational value and leading enterprise teams in very large, complex project portfolios and programs, finding time to optimize was a challenge and took much longer to realize benefits while juggling day to day commitments. 


There is an abundance of offers to sell you products.  However, depending on the current organizational landscape of people, process, data, and technology;  adding a new product or tool may not solve the end to end challenge. 


At Elite Optimization, the starting point is your business and organizational landscape, a process health assessment is completed that will identify challenges, gaps and opportunities.  Deliverable based options will be presented to execute improvements that will either grow your business or reduce costs.  You can decide which optimization path works best for you.      

Big data analytics with AI technology. Data analyst analyzing and visualizing complex info


Business Process Automation

The first step, if it does not exist, is to document the business process.  Then the process and steps involved will be analyzed for automation opportunities.  

Portfolio Management

Enterprise portfolio management process and tool assessments, automation and integrated reporting from enterprise portfolio data transformations.    

Project Management

Automate processes so that project managers can focus on proactive project management, e.g. schedule, risk mitigation plans and actions. 

Report Automation using Power BI

Transform data from multiple sources to create efficient and effective reporting to monitor and drive your business.  Stop manually compiling reoccurring reports. 


Health Care

Enterprise portfolio and project structure, standards, processes, portfolio data transformations, project management tools, training content and reporting.


Development and project team optimization through lite standards and structure, optimized tools to support end to end processes and automation.    


Enterprise structure and standards to create efficient end to end project management processes for digital transformations.     


Global document management strategy execution and process optimization through template development and document migration automation. 

Businesswoman holding light bulb to represent new ideas


The method is simple.


Process Health Assessment

Analyzing one to multiple processes to gain valuable insights.  


Optimization Options

Crafting tailored solutions that align with your core objectives.



Creating impactful, lasting results.


Ongoing Support

Monitoring and providing support as needed.

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